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GoToWebinar: Cannot preview "AttendeeRollup"

Manoj Chaurasia

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I'm working on my GoToWebinar-Silverpop integration, and "AttendeeRollup" seems to be the best entity to query.




Returns webinar session attendees along with any questions asked, poll questions answered, and survey questions answered by that attendee.

Each attendee is returned as a unique record with all of their questions and answers rolled up into three fields:


All questions and answers.

All poll questions and answers.

All survey questions and answers.





But this is the only entity which I can't preview. This is the error message I get:


An error has occurred. If the error message is unclear, read this article for help diagnosing the problem.

ERROR: Exception Type : ArgumentNullException Message : Value cannot be null. Parameter name: values


Any ideas what could be wrong here




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