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From Tibco BW ,How to connect to MS Access database

m k 2

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I am working with BW 6.4.2.

I have use ucanaccess driver:


And I have done the settings you can see in the picture attached.

It works at design time butI can't make it work at run time so far. If you could help me with the run time part itwould greately appreciate it.

Thank you.


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  • 1 year later...


I am using BW, I'm trying to connect a MicrosoftAccess Database using a third-party driver calledUcanaccess. I have done all the settings but when I click "Test Connection"TheCustom Driver Runtime Supportpop-up window is displayed.

I have managed to create theplug-in project but it shows some Errors, I tried to fix the error but for some reason, It works at design time butI can't make it work at run time so far.

can anyone help me with this

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