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Cannot find ODBC driver for TIBCO Data Virtualization

Luiz Eduardo Zappa

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Following the documentation:How to connect to TIBCO Data Virtualization from Python on Linux using an ODBC DSN


"If a TDV ODBC driver is not already installed on the Linux box, install the ODBC driver.

The latest driver may be downloaded from https://edelivery.tibco.com/"


But i cannot find ODBC driver on your web site:




Where can I find this driver for download


Best regards

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Hi Luiz,

You can follow below steps to download the ODBC driver:

Login to edelivery.tibco.com -> Search for 'TIBCO Data Virtualization' -> Download -> Select Version and OS(Linux) -> Click license agreement checkbox -> Select 'individual file download' -> Expand 'TIBCO Data Virtualization Software' -> Download 'TIB_tdv_drivers_8.5.2_all.zip'

Then Unzip the downloaded zip file -> Navigate to apps -> odbc -> linux(*64)

This folder will have your ODBC drivers.


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