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How do i connect to an Azure SQL Server data source using the TDV. Do i need to install a specific adapter?

Bart Swijghuisenreigersberg

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we do not have a dedicated adapter for Azure SQL DB however a custom adapter can be built on top of the existing native SQL Server adapters to achieve a successful connection. Below are the steps:

1. From Studio, right-click on shared and select new -> 'New Data Source' -> New Adapter.

2. Provide a name to the new adapter (like sql_server_collation_jdbc) and select the parent adapter as the version of the SQL Server database.

3. Copy the mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar to confadapterscustomsql_server_collation_jdbc. (As this is a third-party driver, due to licensing restrictions we may not be able to share with you. However, you may download the driver from the web)

Please note that we expect mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar and sql_server_collation_jdbc_values.xml ONLY in confadapterscustomsql_server_collation_jdbc.

4.Then, add these jdbcds.catalogs_in_tables or jdbcds.schemas_in_tables capabilities in DV


jdbcds.catalogs_in_tables: true

jdbcds.schemas_in_tables: true


The parameters need to be added in a XML format in the file [TDV_server_Install]confadapterscustom<custom adapter name><custom adapter name>_values.xml, so I have attached a file "sql_server_collation_jdbc_values.xml" to this ticket as an example.

5.Once this is done, please restart the TDV server for the change to take effect.

Hope this answers your question.

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