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Net Change Date Range

Manoj Chaurasia

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We've ran into some challenges using Net Change in some cases where the result set is simply too large for Scribe (or the API/connector) to handle.


For example:


Customer wants to sync all order history in their system. The API times out or won't support querying all records created after [10 years] ago.


The way we work around these scenarios, especially when doing an initial bulk load, is by adding a filter on the query block for the From and To date, as shown below.




This requires a lot of monitoring to push along the dates, although it could be improved by using lookup tables and programmatically advancing the lookup table values.


Does anyone else share this challenge with Net Change Are there any plans to offer a "Net Change Range" in Scribe I'd imagine it might look like this:




Scribe would query records created/modified after the Net Change date and before [Net Change Date + ____ days/weeks/months ], resulting in a dynamic date range query. This would work for all connectors that support multiple date filters.


This may be more trouble than it's worth to develop, but I'm curious if anyone else is struggling with the same issue or if Scribe is considering any updates to the Net Change feature.

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Thanks for the feedback here Daniel! We are already working on an 1.1 and I've asked the team to take a look at this. For this very reason we wanted to get the connector out in the Marketplace to get some early feedback. As an additional bonus, we intend on publishing out the source code as an example to the DevPortal (https://dev.scribesoft.com) next week including a technical write up on our methodology in approaching our own API.
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