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BG process getting suspended

Manoj Chaurasia

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I am getting an error while starting the iProcess Engine V11.0.2 I am using a AIX machine. Below are messages in sw_error :


2009/12/10 08:19:52.624342(PROCMGR:2:1073236:2::::pro:/pmstart.c:80575:2273): 1888-The process manager detected that process (LMID = 1, LPN = BG, LPI = 2) has terminated abnormally. Socket error (Unknown error code: 0).2009/12/10 08:19:55.085262(PROCMGR:2:1073236:2::::pro:/pmstart.c:80575:2273): 1888-The process manager detected that process (LMID = 1, LPN = BG, LPI = 1) has terminated abnormally. Socket error (Unknown error code: 0).


and the status of the processes are:

/appl/staffw/swlite01/util>swstatMachine ID Proc Name Proc Inst Status Comment----------------------------------------------------------------------1 BG 1 SUSPENDED Process restart suspended by process manager1 BG 2 SUSPENDED Process restart suspended by process manager1 BG 3 RUNNING BG process started1 BG 4 RUNNING BG process started1 BGPREDICT 1 NOT RUNNING1 DLMGR 1 RUNNING DLMGR process started1 IAPJMS 1 NOT RUNNING1 RPCBG 1 RUNNING RPCBG process started1 RPC_TCP_LI 1 RUNNING RPC listener process started1 RPC_UDP_LI 1 RUNNING RPC listener process started1 SPO 1 RUNNING SPO Server process started1 SPO 2 RUNNING SPO Server process started1 SPO 3 RUNNING SPO Server process started1 WIS 1 RUNNING WIS process started1 WIS 2 RUNNING WIS process started1 WIS 3 RUNNING WIS process started1 WIS 4 RUNNING WIS process started1 WIS 5 RUNNING WIS process started1 WIS 6 RUNNING WIS process started1 WISMBD 1 RUNNING WISMBD process started1 WISMBD 2 RUNNING WISMBD process started1 WQS 1 RUNNING WQS process started

Current System Status : 'RUNNING'


The 2 BG's are getting suspened after some time (1 min) of restart.


Any suggestions to start the suspended BG processes .


Please let me know if you require some other information.



Thanks in advance


Gulshan Kumar

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There can be a number of reasons for Background processes crashing.

Have you recently installed / modified your TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins install

Things to look at are

Your technology plug-ins version (output of sweaireg LIST)

Your iPE version.





Once you have the version numbers you may be able to find related articles at support.tibco.com in the Late Breaking News section.

It would be best to open a support call for this if you have not done so already.




Alex Levin

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