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Migrate Dynamics CRM Entity Images

David Ireland

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I'm using Insight's Dynamics Adapterto migrate data from a CRM Online org to an On-Prem org.


Has anyone had success moving the Entity Images (ie: the photos of contacts)


In the source data for a contact that I know has an image, it shows null in the entityimage and entityeimgebase64 fields (where I was expecting to see data):



But it does have an entityimageid - so maybe I'm just not understanding what the id is referencing.


Any help appreciated.



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From the Dynamics 365 SDK:

"When you useRetrieveMultipleorRetrievetheEntityImageis not included when theColumnSet.AllColumnsproperty is set to true. Because of the potential size of data in this attribute, to return this attribute you must explicitly request it."



If you explicitly configure your source fields instead of using "All Columns", then it works as I believe you as expecting!


See the attached screenshots.


Good luck,

Tyler Sand

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  • 1 year later...

Hey Tyler,


This is a really helpful response! I am relatively new to Scribe and have recently joined a Partner who is migrating 10+ clients from On-Prem to D365 Online. One of these clients uses entityimage for a custom entity. Could you give a little more detail on how to "explicitly configure source fields" so I can make sure those images map through to their new instance 


Thanks so much!



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