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Question - How can I implement SSL (certificate) in this code for secure calling. Could you please share some reference or code sample to implement SSL to integrate Tibco.EMS.DLL file to call JMS service

Baljeet Kumar

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Question -How can I implement SSL (certificate) in this code for secure calling. Could you please share some reference or code sample to implement SSL to integrate Tibco.EMS.DLL file to call JMS service.

Without SSL connect to Tibco EMS (.Net Core C#) with the following code

queueFactory = contextLookup == string.Empty ? new TIBCO.EMS.QueueConnectionFactory(serverUrl) : (QueueConnectionFactory)lcxt.Lookup(contextLookup);

        QueueConnection connection = queueFactory.CreateQueueConnection(userName, password);


        QueueSession session = connection.CreateQueueSession(false, TIBCO.EMS.SessionMode.AutoAcknowledge);

        TIBCO.EMS.Queue queue = session.CreateQueue(requestQueueName);

        QueueSender sender = session.CreateSender(queue);

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