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How to Replace element name with value in JSON

Obdurate -

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TIBCO BW 5.14 I have below input records:






















I want to use SCHEDULEDAY from above request and create JSON like this, where SCHEDULEDAY is used as element tag and both records of same SCHEDULEDAY are combined in jSON output.

Output JSON:


"finalData": {

"2023-08-22": [


"TESTID": 1,

"CUSTID": 5,

"Mobile": 1232434345,

"radioNum": 11



"TESTID": 3,

"CUSTID": 5,

"Mobile": 4545454524,

"radioNum": 22



"2023-08-26": [


"TESTID": 5,

"CUSTID": 6,

"Mobile": 4543466759,

"radioNum": 33





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Hello @Obdurate -​ ,

I believe that natively, the replacement you want to perform is not possible. Complex elements are defined in the XSD schema, which is used to specify the structure of data to be used in your processes. It is not designed to have data elements with dynamic names or that can be substituted with other values at runtime. But, I ask that the experts correct me if I am mistaken.

However, since your message is not so extensive, there's nothing stopping you from building your own logic to meet this need.

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