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I am using Tibco Business Events for Client Environment and BE is installed in Linux Machine. I want to use Xming to access the BE code which was there Linux Machine through Putty. How to use Xming for BE?

Anil Padala 2

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Thanks Yueming for your answer.

Right now I am facing this error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:

no swt-gtk-4233 in java.library.path

no swt-gtk in java.library.path

Can't load library: /home/jdk11/

We have two jdks in our linux machine one 1.8, 11jdk few applications are you using 1.8 and few are using JDK 11.

Currently we are using 6.2 for Tibco BE

Please let me in case if you know the solution

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It sounds a Java library issue, or it could be an Xming X11 issue. Are you using the tibcojre64 that came with the BE installation? You may google the error to find out if there is a solution from other users of Xming. You can also first find out how to make a simple Java UI app work via Xming, which may give you hint about how to setup the X11 server and Java classpath on your local and remote sides.

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Besides, most users develop BE apps using the BE studio on their local workstation, and deploy ear and cdd files to remote Linux servers, and so they won't need to run studio on a remote host. Local studio UI is also faster than remote studio UI, and thus better to use for most development work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the response. I deploy my EAR in Linux machine using below commands. If I am using "ps -ef | grep be-e" then it is showing "service is running". EAR and CDD should store somewhere in linux Machine and how to see the that folder location

Ex: Tibco BW Designer after deploying the code either GUI or AppManage the EAR will store in DATAFILES. In similar way can I see CDD and EAR files specify folder after deploying my code in Linux Servers.

/opt/tibco/be/6.2/bin/be-engine --propFile /opt/tibco/be/6.2/be/be-engine.tra -c /opt/tibco/folder/copiedCDD/test/cdd.cdd -n test_1 -u default /opt/tibco/folder/copiedEARLocation/test/Addition.ear --propVar

ii)Is there any way to deploy my EAR and CDD through Jenkins directly through Servers and restart servers automatically?

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