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Issue Running TIBCO EMS CE Docker Container - "tibemsd: not found" Error

Laxi Lexicon

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Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue while attempting to deploy TIBCO EMS CE within a Docker container. I successfully created a Docker image using the tibemscreateimage script provided in the documentation. However, when I try to run the container using this image, I encounter the following error message:

/opt/tibco/ems/docker/tibems.sh: line 122: exec: tibemsd: not found

Steps to Reproduce:

   Created a Docker image using the tibemscreateimage script.

   Attempted to run the Docker container.

   Encountered the above error message.


   TIBCO EMS CE version: TIB_ems-ce_10.2.1_linux_x86_64

   Docker version: 24.0.6

   Host OS: macOS

Has anyone encountered this issue before or have any guidance on resolving it? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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