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Trying to create the Sampled data, Using R script, But R script through an error?

Bharath V

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# Sample SDE Data

Library (sqldf)



inp_int=inp%>% filter(between(inp$Case_Created_Date,startdate,enddate))

inp<-sqldf(“select Case Number,Follow-up Number,Product Name,Country”)



grplist= unique(inp$Importing_User_Site)

#loop over the sampling groups and sample fro each group

For (I in 1 : length(grplist))

{  table_to_sample<-data.frame(subset(inp,Importing_User_Site==grplist))

samplefreq= celling(nrow(table_to_sample)/(100/samplepercent))




#names (finalsampledata) <-gsub(“\.”,” “, names(finalsampleddata))


Above R script using the sampling data, Input and output parameters assigned as per the document properties. I need SDE Sample Data table. Attached the error Screenshot below, Please provide the answer where i m wrong.

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