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Tibco BPM - Is it possible to update css of Case Details in Case Manager?

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Is it possible to update the first screen of Case Manager (the case details page)? I can update it with case actions and different buttons to show different forms but we want to update this first landing page.

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The case manager is ootb the application, unfortunately, we don’t provide a way to update the application now. Customisation of application and components is in the product SOD as far as I know. From the use case above it looks more than just css customisation and might need some changes to mark up also. I'm sorry this is not possible, but I hope this helps a little.

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Thanks Mike for the response. We have a grid pane with long text we would like to have wrapped on the Case Details opening page. As a workaround, we will apply the css to the Case Actions buttons for the users to view that way instead.

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