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lalu rachman

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I've been successfully build docker images for tibco bwce 2.3.

After I run the docker image, I got this error in my VM

unzip: cannot find or open /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.3/bin/bwapp.ear, /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.3/bin/bwapp.ear.zip or /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.3/bin/bwapp.ear.ZIP.

./scripts/setup.sh: line 140: /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF: No such file or directory

BW_PROFILE is set to 'default.substvar'

cp: cannot stat '/tmp/META-INF/default.substvar': No such file or directory

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tmp/tmp/pcf.substvar (No such file or directory)

at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)

at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)

at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:138)

at java.io.FileReader.(FileReader.java:72)

at ProfileTokenResolver.resolveTokens(ProfileTokenResolver.java:292)

at ProfileTokenResolver.main(ProfileTokenResolver.java:71)


Below is my dockerfile


FROM debian:jessie


ADD . /

RUN chmod 755 /scripts/*.sh && apt-get update && apt-get -y install unzip ssh net-tools

ENTRYPOINT ["/scripts/start.sh"]


From what I see, folder "tibco.home/bwce/2.3/bin" didn't contain any ear files.

Kindly Help me for this :)



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You should add application EAR file to BWCEbase docker image and create application docker image. Please refer instructions to run a sample in BWCE docs -https://docs.tibco.com/pub/bwce/2.3.2/doc/html/GUID-9987F7B7-DF87-42AF-B7CB-67566C2E5146.html

You can also check out getting started video available on BWCE Wiki page -https://community.tibco.com/wiki/tibco-businessworks-container-edition

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