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HTTP Request for Multipart FormData

Mahesh Shivnatri 3

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Hi All,


I'm trying to call a REST API which only acceptsContent-Type: multipart/form-data, i know that i've to send the request in the MIME part of the SendHTTP Request, but can anyone help me with exactly how the request would look like Also doi need to define any boundaries while sending the request




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I believe you want to setup your multipart form like so...

If your equivalent cURL statement looks like below,


curl -X POST https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token

-F grant_type=client_credentials

-F resource=https://management.core.windows.net/

-F client_id=

-F client_secret=then your Send HTTP Request will look like this:



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Hi Wkarasz,


Thanks for the reference, but i've tried this and it does not work. What i want is to send a HTTP request that follows content-Type as Multipart-formdata. Now i checked online and looks like this is mime, but still not sure how to send the data. Right now i'm using QueryString to send the data and so far its doing the job, but there is a length limitation on the same. Hence looking for alternatives.







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