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Does scribe support using Amazon RDS or Azure SQL as internal database source

Manoj Chaurasia

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I successfully set connection to azure SQL in ODBC Data Source manager, but get "[sql-DMO]SQL Server sqlserverscribe.database.windows.net must be upgraded to version 7.0 or later to be administered by this version of SQL-DMO." trying to create internal Database.

Some another error is present for AWS RDS with MS SQL.

IS it possible to use these sources to host Scribe insight internal data base

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I got it to work with an Azure SQL after an upgrade of the ODBC drivers, but last I checked it is not supported by Scribe. And it is not a good idea. Even if I got it to work, it did not work well. The Azure SQL is to slow. I got really strange connection errors with the MS CRM adapter (after cheching it was timeouts from SCRIBEINTERNAL) and the preformance overall was really bad. So just installing a SQL express on the AZURE server hosting insight multiplied the preformance by 10-20 times.
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