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How to add interval in Parallel Service calls from TIBCO AMX BPM

Koushik Saha

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I am workign in a project where I am making Service calls in parallel using Split and Join in BPM process.

Allthough the services calls are parallel there is a need to add delay between the service calls.

Liek Service 1 gets trigger at time T

Service 2 gets triggered in T+20 sec

Service 3 gets triggered in T+40 sec ... and so on.

How to induce the delay in AMX BPM Process Please help.



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  • 10 months later...

Hi Koushik

What you are trying to do sounds a little odd. If you need service invocations to be sequenced then is there a reason that you have placed them on parallel paths If they are on the same path then they would happen one after the other naturally (if necessary then you could place an in-flow timer event between then to wait for a 20 seconds).

If there is a reason they have to be on parallel paths then you can split the flow into 3. On the first flow process the service task straight away, on the 2nd start with a timer event set to 20 seconds period then then service task, on the 3rd start with a timer event set to 30 seconds and then the service task...



Cheers, Sid

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