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Deadlock - MS CRM to GP

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hello All,


We have queue based integration from MS CRM to GP . Once the records are created in Queue, the DTS should pull the records from queue and update/insert in to GP. When we run this against small number(10 records) it perfectly runs.

But when we run this against 100 + records we are getting the following error.

Can some one suggest how to resolve this


[40001] SQL call failed. Transaction (Process ID 92) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

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Hi Chandra,


I have a few questions for you regarding the issue you are experiencing.


What version of Insight are you using


During what part of the transaction do you see this error I.E. While records are getting putting into the queue, getting, pushing to target, etc.


Is it possible to upload your Insight logs You can do this by going into console, Site Settings, Tracing.


Is it possible to run a SQL Profiler to see what is deadlocking Use the article provided below for setup instructions:




Is this CRM online or on-premise


You may want to open a Support case to be better assisted and keep track of this issue.





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