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I am trying to upgrade or install ACTIVE MATRIX BPM 4.2 over 2 existin instaces one is 3.3and one is 4.1

On the machine the currently active version is the 3.3 version, which I intent to preserve and use ahead.

The machine is a Linxu os

The first purpose would be to try to upgrade the 4.1 version or to install fresh the 4.2

I ran until now the installer forTIB_amx-bpm_4_2_0_linux24gl23_x86_64

I tried then as a first option to upgrade the Active Matrix BPM Instance V4.2 , however it did not allow me

I have next tried to run the tct installer with x11 forwarding in order to create a new ActiveMatrix Adminsitrator server, however I get the following error message :

ERROR - TIBCO-AMX-HPA-050042: Error performing admin bootstrap: TIBCO-AMX-HPA-050092: Host SystemHost is already bound to another Admin server

Caused by: TIBCO-AMX-HPA-050092: Host SystemHost is already bound to another Admin server

I indicate also that prior I have stopped the processes for all previously existing instances but I still recieve the above error while tryint to create another adminsitrator server.

The machine is primary machine where also the messaging (ems) is deployed and also the BE is deployed.

Coould you please let me know a possible fix for the error, second if it is possible to have 2 ActiveMatrix BPM instances from 2 major version on the same server running in paralel

Thank you in advance

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  • 9 months later...

It looks like you've tried to do a TCT install rather than an actual upgrade. The installation guide has some detailed scenarios describing upgrade that should be helpful.

As for running multiple versions, ActiveMatrix BPM supports a "Multi Tenancy" feature that allow a single AMX Administrator instance to manage multiple BPM systems. This is also well described in the user documentation, along with some best practices.

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