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Getting error while debugging in BW 6.3.5

Anil Sahu

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I am new in BW 6. I have designed a sime process where I am sending a message in a queue using JMS send message activity and getting that message using JMS get message activity. The process is validated without any error and also the JMS is also able to connect to TIBCO EMS. But getting below error while trying to run or debug that application. Any help would be really appreciated.


16:12:43.419 INFO [main] com.tibco.thor.frwk - TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.3.5, build V17, 2017-02-02

@BWEclipseAppNode> 16:12:51.300 INFO [main] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - Started by BusinessStudio.

Jun 26, 2018 4:12:52 PM org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate findDefaultEditor

WARNING: PropertyEditor [com.sun.beans.editors.EnumEditor] found through deprecated global PropertyEditorManager fallback - consider using a more isolated form of registration, e.g. on the BeanWrapper/BeanFactory!

Jun 26, 2018 4:12:52 PM org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate findDefaultEditor

WARNING: PropertyEditor [com.sun.beans.editors.EnumEditor] found through deprecated global PropertyEditorManager fallback - consider using a more isolated form of registration, e.g. on the BeanWrapper/BeanFactory!

Jun 26, 2018 4:12:52 PM org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate findDefaultEditor

WARNING: PropertyEditor [com.sun.beans.editors.EnumEditor] found through deprecated global PropertyEditorManager fallback - consider using a more isolated form of registration, e.g. on the BeanWrapper/BeanFactory!

Jun 26, 2018 4:12:52 PM org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate findDefaultEditor

WARNING: PropertyEditor [com.sun.beans.editors.EnumEditor] found through deprecated global PropertyEditorManager fallback - consider using a more isolated form of registration, e.g. on the BeanWrapper/BeanFactory!

Jun 26, 2018 4:12:52 PM org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate findDefaultEditor

WARNING: PropertyEditor [com.sun.beans.editors.EnumEditor] found through deprecated global PropertyEditorManager fallback - consider using a more isolated form of registration, e.g. on the BeanWrapper/BeanFactory!

16:12:52.663 INFO [main] - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-300002: BW Engine [Main] started successfully.

16:12:52.835 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 20d98fa4-2d79-0018-1a41-bce33ea5236f] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300001: Started OSGi Framework of AppNode [bWEclipseAppNode] in AppSpace [bWEclipseAppSpace] of Domain [bWEclipseDomain]

16:12:52.947 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 20d98fa4-2d79-0018-1a41-bce33ea5236f] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300018: Deploying BW Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0].

16:12:53.015 INFO [Thread-20] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300019: BW Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0] is impaired.

16:12:53.018 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 20d98fa4-2d79-0018-1a41-bce33ea5236f] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - Started by BusinessStudio, ignoring .enabled settings.

16:12:56.390 INFO [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300021: All Application dependencies are resolved for Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0]

16:13:00.699 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-600026: Failed to start BW Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0]. Reason: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600053: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentJMS_JDBC_POC]. TIBCO-BW-CORE-500232: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentJMS_JDBC_POC], Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0] due to activity initialization error. TIBCO-BW-CORE-500616: Failed to initialize the activity [JMSSendMessage] in process [jms_jdbc_poc.JMS_JDBC_POC], module [JMS_JDBC_POC] due to activity lifecycle error. TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JMS-500001: Invalid configuration data. JMS connection reference is not specified..

javax.jms.JMSException: Mismatch messaging Style for the specified Shared Resource


16:13:00.719 INFO [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300008: Stopped BW Application [JMS_JDBC_POC.application:1.0]




Thanks in advance.

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