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custom java function is not working in rulefunction in TIBCO BE

bhaskar kanduri 2

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Hi All, I have created a custom function for logging purpose using log4j in TIBCO BE, it is working fine when I used in a another java class, but it is not working when used in rule function,customfunction is invoked but the logging is not happending.My requirement is to write a specifc log to a file instead of using the defalut log. Please help to provide any inputs on this. Thank you.
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  • 7 months later...

Answer see KB:


1). In the log4j.properties:


# to write to both custom log and BE log, you add "tibco_be_log" to log4j.logger.reportsLog

# to write to custom log only, you don't add "tibco_be_log"

log4j.logger.reportsLog=INFO, ats_log_file






log4j.appender.ats_log_file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n


2). In the be-engine.tra file, add blow, pointing to your own log4j.properties

java.extended.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///C:/be510/be/5.1/lib/log4j.properties

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