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How to bulk process events

Remo Fiorentino

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I have an event ApplyDebit from the FraudDetectionExample, I want now to create an event where I can do it in bulk. The idea is that I send a message containing 1 or more message of ApplyDebit and this bulk event will create instances of ApplyDebit and fire their rules using AssertEvent function.


My problem is that I am getting from AssertEvent the same event ApplyDebit instead the reply from the rules.


Is there a better way to create event inside the rules, Fire the respective rules, and get the response

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When you create the Event(s) in a Rule and assert it to the working memory, it will trigger the Rules for the new created Events (rebuilds Agenda).

You can create new Events in a Rule using catalog function Event.createEvent() or .().


Events.ApplyDebit ev=Event.createEvent();

Events.ApplyDebit ev1=Events.ApplyDebit.ApplyDebit(,,,...);


When assert the Event to working memory, new Events processed in same RTC. To start a new RTC for each Event use catalog function Event.sendEvent(); or Event.routeEvent(); to send the Event to the configured default input destination or to a specific destination.

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