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Getting OOM in TIBCO BE application. Heap Dump analysis shows Tibco BE object: ConcurrentInMemoryObjectManager is consuming maximum heap. Need help on what could be causing it.

priyanka patil 3

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Issue Description:

We have an application built in Tibco Business Events 5.3.0 version where InMemory configuration has been used.

We are facing memory leak issue at this application which is leading to OutOfMemory error being encountered when number of transactions performed using this application is high.


When checked at heap dump files of an application and analysed them, we could see that:

- One instance of "com.tibco.cep.runtime.service.om.impl.mem.ConcurrentInMemoryObjectManager" loaded by "sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0x5d19fade0" occupies 284,796,448 (51.87%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node[]" loaded by "".

- Old gen is continuously increasing. The GC caused suspension is also going as high as 40 seconds


Can someone please help us in knowing why the mentioned object: ConcurrentInMemoryObjectManager is not releasing the memory post usage and not helping in doing garbage collection

By the results we can see objects are being retained in memory and due to which old gen is increasing continuously.


Current configurations of an application:

MinHeapSize : 4 GB

MaxHeapSize : 10 GB

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  • 6 months later...

Based on the information, for inMemory projects BE stores data for all entities (Concepts, Events) in Java heap. It seems you missed to delete old, un-used entities or consume Events with TTL -1).

You can open a case with TIBCO BE Support. Support team can analyse the heapdump and your project to find out which entities remains in Java heap..

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