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Connect to remote BWAGENT from local BWADMIN

Imran Patan 2

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Shahat,


Thanks for your inputs.yes we are trying to use it for automation as TEA GUI is becomes very slow at times.


I have tried bw api by running bwagent apiserver and tried accessing it via URL. but the only few HTTP methods are working like GET /agents/info , but other methods related to node is not working like get /domains/{domain}/appspaces/{appspace}/appnodes/{name}/info


The error I get is


{"message":"TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500300: The AppNode [testAppNode] does not exist in AppSpace [testAppSpace] and Domain [TEST].","code":null}


while TEA is clearly show the configured nodes in that domain


Is there any configurations required apart from starting the API server





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