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WSDL validation-attribute "location" is required

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hi All,


I have created a abstract WSDL with two operations and one of the operation contains SOAP attachment type of element.I don't have any issues with that Abstract WSDL to create service and its working as expected. But only the problem is if i do validate my project then the created abstract WSDL is showing a validation error. I am not able to fix that, though the servie is working as expected.


Here is the validation error shown in designer:

Syntactic error in data: /definitions[1]/import[1]: [{com.tibco.xml.validation}COMPLEX_E_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE]: attribute "location" is required.


Attached the created abstract WSDL.


It would be great if any one can tell me what could be the reason for that validation error.




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Hi Sagar,


I believe it is likely used and/or referenced by one of the other xsd's that you are importing/referencing. I would suggest examing the other xsd's referenced in the wsdl. If it is not referenced in any of the other xsd's, you can likely remove the entire impoirt statement as it does not appear to be directly referenced within your wsdl.





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Hi Nochum,


I was just checking the same in tibco example folder for the same kind of scenario, even the sample project came with the installation has the same validation error.


BW--> Examples --> SOAP --> swa_inband

I was not able to upload the same abstract WSDL here,so pasted the whole content below. Is this is a known problem with defining soap attachments WSDL

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Hi Sagar,


You are 100% right. I did find FAQ1-7TV5PS on this subject:




When WSDL message part details is of Special Type with attachment, validate resource on WSDL throws this error: Syntactic error in data: /definitions[1]/import[1]: [{com.tibco.xml.validation}COMPLEX_E_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE]: attribute "location" is required.




This is identified as a design time defect. Design time validator does not seem to find the intrinsic schemas for the namespce "http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1/xsd". This namespace import is generated when you use Special type message and it does not add the location. But when using the WSDL with SOAP activities it seems to run fine. Maybe Soap engine can access the intrinsic schemas where as the design time validator is not able to access the schemas.


Filed a defect for this issue. As this is a design time issue, you can go ahead and use the WSDL with soap activities and it will not cause runtime issues.


I hope this helps!





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  • 4 years later...

Hi Sagar,


The problem appears to be in your import of namespace "http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1/xsd":





Within your import definition you must specify the location. Otherwise BW has no idea how to resolve the namespace. Look at the line above as an example. There you can see the location is specified.


I hope this helps!





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