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Error while running BWCE container APP

Mangala Khairnar

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Hi All,

I have created base docker images for BWCE using runtime zip and docker file. And created a http receiverapplication in BWCE studio and created imageof the same on the top of the base docker image for BWCE. Image gets built successfuly but while trying to run the imagegetting following error.


D:appBWCEDockerFileHTTP>docker run -p 4000:9091 tibco/bwce-rest

chmod: cannot access '/tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/startBWAppNode.sh': No such file or directory

chmod: cannot access '/tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwappnode': No such file or directory

chmod: cannot access '/tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/*/bin/java': No such file or directory

chmod: cannot access '/tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/*/bin/javac': No such file or directory

sed: can't read /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwappnode.tra: No such file or directory

sed: can't read /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwappnode: No such file or directory

ls: cannot access /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/: No such file or directory

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwapp.ear': No such file or directory

sed: can't read /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/config/appnode_config.ini: No such file or directory

unzip: cannot find or open /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwapp.ear, /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwapp.ear.zip or /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/bwapp.ear.ZIP.

No zipfiles found.

sed: can't read /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/config/logback.xml: No such file or directory

./scripts/setup.sh: line 137: /tmp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF: No such file or directory

BW_PROFILE is set to 'default.substvar'

cp: cannot stat '/tmp/META-INF/default.substvar': No such file or directory

./scripts/setup.sh: line 405: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: No such file or directory

bash: /tmp/tibco.home/bw*/*/bin/startBWAppNode.sh: No such file or directory


I am unsure if i have missed anything , please guide for the same. also if there is any base docker image availalbe for BWCE on docker hub kindly provide path for the same. thank you.

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