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JDBC call procedure parameters issue

Manoj Chaurasia

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I have a BW process which should invoke a JDBC stored procedure. This procedure is having 3 input parameters and i am successfully able to run it in DB where as when i am calling this JDBC procedure in BW, it is not displaying the input parameters. I have refreshed the activity many times, reopened the project but still it is not showing the input parameters in it.


Any ideas how to resolve this issue.




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  • 3 years later...
I have definitely seen this issue with incompatible datatypes as Raja mentions. I am assuming you have already tested the connection and BW is able to connect to the Oracle instance successfully. Did you test the stored proc from the DB using the same user as BW is using. The BW user may not be able to see the proc.
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Hi Ashwini,


More often than not, this is an issue with the database driver that you are using. Try changing the database driver. If nothing works, you can use the SQL Direct Activity for writing the whole commmand like



Please make sure that you are adding the commas and semicolons while you are concatenating the command.


Let me know if that helps.


Best Regards,



Suvratanu Baidya | mailto:sbaidya@infocepts.com| www.infocepts.com


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