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service mediation error

Manoj Chaurasia

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am getting below error when deployed the mediation code thru amx admin :


java.lang.Exception: TIBCO-IT-BW-330501: InboundRequest.BusinessWorks Implementation: Service Endpoint Proxy not found for Service Name={http://xmlns.example.com/1305228893386}ReportingPort



org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException">http://tibcouri/">org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: TIBCO-IT-BW-330501: InboundRequest.BusinessWorks Implementation: Service Endpoint Proxy not found for Service Name={http://xmlns.example.com/1305228893386}AuditReportingPort

at com.tibco.amx.bwse.runtime.service.BwseServiceListener$AMXServiceReplyHandlerImpl.throwException(BwseServiceListener.java:375)


any help


Thanks and REgards,


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