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am getting exception while using BE scheduler function

Sachin Joshi 2

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I am trying to use scheduler functions in BE 4.0 to schedule simple events for every 2 mins. am getting this exception at engine startup,


Info [Timer-0] - [runtime.service] Exception duringexecution of scheduled task. Cancelling task with key=CheckMessageFeed,exception=Invalid destination uri [/Channels/Local/Local] specified. Event willnot be sent.


I tried using JMS channel destination instead of local channel , but still get the same error.


Any suggestions about how to resolve this apprecate your time.



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What version of BE 4.x you are running


In a multiple cache servers and inference agent environment, set the property be.engine.cluster.scheduler=true for the nodes that can be considered for scheduler ownership. Having this property in all the engines/CS along with BE 4.0.2 HF 1 should help..




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  • 6 years later...



I hava got the same error even I have add below configrations


On the agent which own the scheduler:




On the cache agent:






I' m using TIBCO BusinessEvents 4.0.2


Any suggestions about such issue Apprecate your answer.



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