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bwagent gets error: TIBCO-BW-AGENT-500008 which is either undocumented or hard to find.

Wendell Nichols

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In this case I had created an ems admin user/pwd for my server and set its values as so in the json:

emsserverurl: "tcp://weed.na.tibco.com:11911",

emsusername: "tibuser",

emsuserpassword: "sompwd",

emsssltrustidentity: "",

emsssltrustcertlocation: "",

emsssltrustpassword: "",

emsssldisableverifyhostname: "true",

The complete message is:

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.5.0, hotfix 5, build V100, 2018-11-21

TIBCO-BW-AGENT-500008: BusinessWorks Agent transport listener failed to initialize, TIBCO-BW-AGENT-500007: BusinessWorks Agent transport listener failed, com.tibco.tibems.qin.TibQinSecurityException: Invalid username or password for member "flex-linux-gazelle.b4c97e75-47ed-4f79-943e-7faeafe12ea6.AdminClientObserver".


I couldn't find an explanation for that message but it seems quite self explanatory.


What I did to resolve this is use a userid on the ems server that did not have a password and that worked fine. I suspect that you must use a hashing utility to put passwords in these files. I tried using bwobfuscator which produces a hashed password, but that didn't work either.

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