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How to handle 404, 405, 415 statuscodes from within your BW application

Pim Belien

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Hi all,


As per the API standards here I have to respond with a specific error structure for the 4xx and 5xx cases. This includes the cases of returning the 415 (Unsupported Media Type) or the405 (Method Not Allowed) or a 404 (Not Found).

However in any of these cases where for example I send a request with a method im not exposing I automatically get an autogenerated response:

Error 405 Method Not Allowed HTTP ERROR: 405 Problem accessing /trackandtrace/salesandservicerequests/v2. Reason: Method Not Allowed Powered by Jetty://

With one of the hotfixes I am able catch any input violation and handle it accordinglybut that only goes for the resource itself. I sincerely doubt it is possible, but maybe someone found a way around this so I'm asking anyway: Did somebody ever find a way

I am using 6.5.0 HF06

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