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TSSS with Open R engine silent installation - run Procrun in command line

Tao Zhong 2

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We want to script our spotfire environment. one task is installing TSSS with Open R engine silently. I have got problem to add -Dspserver.rhome=path-to-R to the Java options for the TSSS service. Installation manual said I need to use Procrun (TSSS100SplusServerw.exe) to do this job. However, I don't know how to do it in command line.
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In order to add values to the JvmOptions using the command line, one needs to use the procrun command line. For example, the following sets the engine.count value to 2:

"C:Program FilesTIBCOstatsvcs711TERRtomcatbinTSSS711SplusServer.exe" //US//TSSS711SplusServer ++JvmOptions=-Dengine.count=2

You will need to modify the path, the exe name and the service name for your environment. You need to run the Tomcat procrun command line version from the tomcat/bin directory. In your case, this looks to be TSSS100SplusServer.exe (without the 'w'). I think this is a close approximation of what you need:

TSSS100SplusServer.exe //US//TSSS100SplusServer ++JvmOptions=-Dspserver.rhome=path-to-R

The Tomcat Windows service HOW-TO documentation gives information about the various switches and options. "//US" means update service and ++JvmOptions means append to the JvmOptions.



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