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Automate, Start & Stop a specific service instance using java

nirmal kumar 4

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Hi Everyone, Am new (and am from not IT background) to this TIBCO community and need your immediate help in finding out a quick resolution to my below requirement . I need to automate Start and Stop activity on a specific service instance using java .kindly explain me in layman terms. 1. What all the information i need in order to perform this activity 2. how can i perform this Thanks in advance. TIBCO Version used: ------------------------- TIBCO Administrator Version Information TIBCO Administrator: 5.10.0_V19 Tomcat: TIBCO Repository: 5.10.0_V18 JRE: 1.8.0_191 TRA: 5.10.0_V19 TIBCO Rendezvous (RV): 8.4.5 TIBCO Hawk: 5.2.0.V21
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