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how to I access the application name at runtime with Tibco Business Events

Donald Long 2

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I need to know my application name at runtime in Business Events. The Engine Name isn't accurate enough For example, i have 2 instances of an application running on a single server APP_TEST_LB1 APP_TEST_LB2 I need to be able to test in one of the rules which instance is running. is there a property or function for that I see that in the application logs the proper application name is listed.. so it should be accessible, right Thanks
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  • 4 months later...

HI There,

We have catalog functions available to getAgentName and getClusterName and getAgentId under our function grouping named "Cluster". Please explore.




String getAgentName()


Returns the name of the BE Agent


String The name of the agent


String cName = ClusterFunctions.getAgentName();






int getAgentId()


Returns the unique id of the agent


int cAgentId = ClusterFunctions.getAgentId();





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