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Tibco ActiveMatrix Adapter for SAP Tracking Request

Raphael Amaral 2

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I need to tracking all request beteween Tibco and SAP but I can't to tracking any request.

I can tracking every success request because I receive an "Id" information, see below:







My problem is when this request reach out a time limit and I received a TimeoutExceptionor something wrong on SAP side. In this context I can't to tracking my request by BW and Request in Adapter.



Job-106048 Error in [XXX]

Timeout waiting for reply.

at com.tibco.plugin.ae.AERPCRequestReplyActivity.cancelled(Unknown Source)

at com.tibco.pe.core.TaskImpl.eval(Unknown Source)

at com.tibco.pe.core.Job.a(Unknown Source)

at com.tibco.pe.core.Job.k(Unknown Source)

at com.tibco.pe.core.JobDispatcher$JobCourier.a(Unknown Source)

at com.tibco.pe.core.JobDispatcher$JobCourier.run(Unknown Source)


Timeout waiting for reply.



eAI/BusinessProcesses/StartProcesses/Call SAP




Timeout waiting for reply.


Timeout waiting for the reply





I can see this error on Adapter Log but I can't receive this information in BW because my timeout, set in Invoke an Adapter Request-Response Service, reached first.

The SAP finish andreturn to Adpater but the temporary queue destination was invalid. See below:

2019 Apr 01 09:34:14:182 GMT -0300 AdapterInstance_CallSAP Info [Adapter] AER3-000110 Reply sent for function:

2019 Apr 01 09:34:14:184 GMT -0300 AdapterInstance_CallSAP Error [Adapter] AER3-970267 Error invoking inbound RFC Request Response: "JMS error: "Invalid temporary destination tracking=#DniM6aCAqC-UeEF/PJ--55AEw/Y#

2019 Apr 01 09:34:14:184 GMT -0300 AdapterInstance_CallSAP Info [Adapter] AER3-000430 Total requests processed for operation : 2

2019 Apr 01 09:34:14:186 GMT -0300 AdapterInstance_CallSAP Error [Adapter] AER3-970273 SDK error onInvoke() : "JMS error: "Invalid temporary destination


My transport Configuration:

Transport Type: JMS

Wire Format: XML Message

Connection Factory Type: Queue



My Configuration:

Tibco BusinessWorks 5.11.0

Tibco TRA: 5.8

Tibco Adapter for SAP:

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