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Selecting two bars in bar chart by clicking one

Juan Marino

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I want to figure out how to select two bar charts at the same time when clicking on the one next to it.

Attached is a screen shot of the before and after I click on the bar and also what I would like to acomplish


Capture 1 is how it currently works when I click a single bar. Capture two is what I want to accomplish by clicking on one bar(I did it by holding Crtl and click the other graph, not the way I want this to work)


Thank you

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Add a TextArea, edit textarea > click on filters > select the REG column > OK From the TextArea when you select NOEA that with select both bars on your visualization. Note: ensure that you REG column filter type is Radio ButtonFilter (if the unique values in the column is not many) or if it's many then go with List Box Filter, with number of rows maybe 4
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