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Running EMS Server as Windows Service

Ritika Magoo

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Hi All,


I am trying to run two instances of ems server as two different window services.


I have created two tibemsd conf file in "C:ProgramDataTIBCO_HOMEtibcocfgmgmtemsdata" namely --> tibemsd.conf and tibemsd1.conf as the server is reading the conf file from this location.



I go to the ems bin directory and run the command for tibemsd conf file :


emsntsrg /i /a tibemsd C:tibcoems6.0bin C:tibcoems6.0bin "-config C:ProgramDataTIBCO_HOMEtibcocfgmgmtemsdatatibemsd.conf"



But the error I am getting is :

emsntsrg: OpenSCManager failed (5)




I go to the ems bin directory and run the command for tibemsd1 conf file:



emsntsrg /i /a tibemsd C:tibcoems6.0bin C:tibcoems6.0bin "-config C:ProgramDataTIBCO_HOMEtibcocfgmgmtemsdatatibemsd.conf"


But I am getting the same error as above.



Please help me in this regard.






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