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SAML AutheNtication in BW 5.7

Anand G

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The latest is 5.11, and even it doesn't have 'native' SAML. You can simulate a SAML message without signatures or encryption, through XML, and you can build a SAML message through Java activities.


Policy Director is the next generation of Policy Manager, and its 'agents' include a plugin for BusinessWorks that is like a decoupled and dynamic version of the BW Policy Palette, but richer in support for things such as SAML.

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You start with a 'seed' element, then use coersion to add other elements and attributes as needed. That gets you the message structure. To do signing, you'll have to write some helper code and do more mapping (if Java Code/Method Activity) or you might be able to do this with XPath & Java Custom Function.
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  • 2 years later...

It isn't implemented in BW. You will have to write your own code for this. The quickest way is to get to a more current version of BW and drop in a (for fee) Policy Director Agent and you'll get OASIS SAML Token Profile.


Doing SAML outside of Web Services will still need to be a manual/coding effort.

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  • 4 years later...


Can you please give more details on what are the SAML headers too add and how it will be the mapping of these headrs on the SOAP reply activity on the BW.


Also is it sufficient or it still need to create policy security .

what is the rule of PolicySecurity and identity if we still need to create a manual code

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi  cmilono,




I can generate my saml token . I created my win Java code. But I still not understand how map it on the sopa request reply activity.


Please can you detail more what we have to do it.







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