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_cfdir giving junk output !!!

Puspak Dash 2

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Hi All,


I am doing a remote DNI scan on a SFTP server to find out the existence of a trigger file.

After the DNI polling the output of _cfdir command is giving a junk return value, however I am able to both download and upload file with SFTP server via internet server using platform server without DNI and also with DNI lacal scanning, I am able to upload file based on trigger existence.


I am getting output like:


TIBCO Software Inc. ® 32-bit File Transfer Client for Windows

Copyright © 1995-2012 TIBCO Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TIBCO Software Inc. Confidential Information..

Version 7.1.1

I705300059 Remote Command Execution completed successfully.

Sent command "_cfdir -N -S CASE2-DL/" to file ".cfdir.5208.dat".


164 bytes, 1 packets, 1 seconds (164 bytes/sec)

DNI Receive Command has completed Successfully



About to open file==> .cfdir.5208.dat

File=`aK^^^^^ not processed; FileDate= StartDate=00000000

File=`aK^^^^^ not processed; FileDate= StartDate=00000000

File=`aK^^^^^ not processed; FileDate= StartDate=00000000

File=`aK^^^^^ not processed; FileDate= StartDate=00000000


However it should like:




It would really be helpful, if anybody can help me on this on priority.




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The other day Will asked you:


The output you are seeing could be related to the selected "Server Platform" in your server SFTP-SERVER definition. What type do you have set


The PS is expecting it's data to be in a known format and code page ... the only time i have come across something similar is by having the platform specified incorrectly.


What platform and SFTP software is the remote SFTP server

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