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JMS Queue Sender in Hung State

Mandeep Kohli 3

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I am facing wiered issue. In one Service JMS Q Sender is being used to send a message to JMS Q (to Error Handling Framework Queue). Sunddenly when Service is running all the jobs get stuck at JMS Queue Sender Activity. Service still accepts new transactions but everything gets stuck into JMS Q Sender Activity. I am able to ping EMS server from BW Server.

Any help if someone faced same issue earlier




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  • 2 weeks later...

Disk I/O is pretty low.


Interesting observstion is:


JMS Queue Sender goes into just hung state.

Service accepts new transactions but everything gets into hung state at JMS Q Sender activity.

Only solution is Service restart.


Is it something service make a connection to EMS server while starting up and once that is broken you need to restart the service

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

We are having similar issue. Periodically approximately once per 1-2 month random service from random package hang on JMS Sender activity. We havearound 20 packages and couple of hundred services.

It's not throwing any errors in the logs just hang on JMS Queue Sender activity. I see hanging threads with current activity "JMS Queue Sender" in tibco administartor. Attached screenshot. After "JMS Queue Sender" activity start hanging all the process from the package start hanging too. Package restart resolving the issue.

The "JMS Sender activity" is using TMP queue for destination . The services can be called from java (tibjms.jar-4.3.0.jar ) or from another tibco service using "JMS Queue Requestor".attached service template.

We are using Tibco 5.11 BW and EMS on separate virtual servers windows2008 R2 6.1


Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...

It may be related to

5.14.0: BW-17137 The JMS Receiver and the JMS Sender activities that used the same

connection resource got into a dead lock situation while reconnecting

to the EMS Server.

5.13.0: BW-16413 The JMS Receiver and JMS Sender that used the same connection

resource got into a dead lock while reconnecting to the EMS Server.

Unfortunately I see only issue header in release notes for 5.14 BW. https://docs.tibco.com/pub/activematrix_businessworks/5.14.0/TIB_BW_5.14....

Haven't found details description in public

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