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Error while starting the adapter

Manoj Chaurasia

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I am getting below error while starting adapter. Can anyone please suggest the help. what could be reason for the below error.

Startup Error. Unable to create a connection with the target database using the dsn TIBCOWorks. The database error is:DBError: 5ErrorCode: IM014ServerCode: 0Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and ApplicationTerminating adapter.

Database is Oracle 11g and Adb versin is 6.1




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I found the answer for above in below post. Getting different errors while running the adapter.


2013 Jul 21 06:54:42:074 GMT +5 ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration.ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration Error [Database] AEADB-100004

DBError: Database driver code: HYC00

Database server code: 0

Database driver message: [tibcosoftwareinc][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented.


2013 Jul 21 06:54:42:222 GMT +5 ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration.ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration Error [Database] AEADB-930002

Publication error. Publication service ADBPublisher with publication subject Test.FT.Queue encountered database error:




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