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Benefits of MQ Plugin

Ashutosh Singh 4

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Hi Everyone,


I have want to know the benefits of MQ plugin that TIBCO has released couple of months ago.


Currently we are using MQ Adapter for processing of the data. We are thinking of replacing the Adapter with the MQ plugin.MQ plugin is giving the same functionality as MQ adapter.But I want to know if there are some real good benefits or drawbacks of using MQ plugin over MQ adapter.


Please provide your valuable feedback.



Ashutosh Singh

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Hi Ashutosh,


There are really two parts to this question as I see it:


1. MQ Adapter versus MQ Plugin

2. (MQ Adapter or MQ Plugin) versus JMS


I will start with point #2. IBM was a major contributor to the JMS specification (as was TIBCO) since MQ predated the JMS specification. Thus when IBM created its JMS implementation, it did so on top of the native MQI interface. So JMS is an additional layer in IBM's implementation. There are some drawbacks with this approach. For example the IBM JMS implementation creates a separate Connection object for each JMS Session. The bottom line is that it should be possible to achieve better performance and throughput by using the IBM MQI interface which is what both the MQ Adapter and MQ Plugin use.


With regards to #1, my preference is to use a plugin rather than an adapter all other things being equal. The reason is that the plugin runs in the same memory space as BW itself. So there is much less latency in handling events between BW and MQ. Additionally there is much less complexity to deal with since there is no need for a separate component to deploy and manage.


I hope this helps!



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Hi Ashutosh,

One more advantage of using MQ plugin is that you do not require any additional product like TIBCO EMS or TIBCO RV for it to work. Where as Adapter requires either RV or EMS for transport. MQ Plugin can directly connect to MQ server and can provide additional features like segmentation of messages, which is an advantage.



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