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Object was locked by admin

adsnag -

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Hi All,

I'm getting the below error while moving application from the one folder to another in appplication management and also unable to undeploy service .

Both times I'm getting the same error.

Error Message :

User admin failed to lock object with name Temp. Object was locked by admin at Sun Sep 22 11:36:13 BST 2013 Do you want to break the lock .


When I clicked on OK .I'm getting java null pointer exception[Attached the screen shot for reference] and sevice is moving to 'target' folder but its not visable. Onlyway to to see that moved service from all service instances only.


Do we need to clear/delete any lock files...


Could you please anyone help on this..



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Naga,


Can you try following,


Check if you have opened the same object in seperate window using admin,

Check if you can stop the object running & then try to move the object to different folder,

Restart Hawk agent & Administrator once and then give a try.



Hope this helps.




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