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webservice API using SAML

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hello everybody,


We have developped our custome application to communicate with AMX BPM 2.1 with the hotfix10.

To do so, we have implemented SAML for all our webservice calls.


All worked fine until we install AMX BPM hotfix11 (In the change logs they don't mention anything about SAML or SSL).

My trueStrore, keyStore, mutuelIdProvider are all the same and we didn't changed them.


Now we are getting this error :


04 Nov 2013 13:19:46,225 [httpConnector_24] [ERROR] com.tibco.governance.pa.action.wss.VerifyAuthenticationAction - TIBCO-OGS_PA-901753: Verify Authentication failed.

com.tibco.governance.pa.action.security.SecurityException: An unsigned SAML present when signature is required.


Any clue please




We are using SAML 1.0 and I thik that the new hotfix10 make it impossible to use other than SAML 2.0.

I have found this in the BPM 2.2 doc :



If you want to use SAML authentication, you

must also supply an appropriate SAML 2.0

assertion to identify the user to be authen



Our current assertion is for SAML 1.0 :














I tried to adapt it for SAML 2.0 using the BPM Developper's guid but it says this :

Unable to identify the user making a service request. [null,null]



Issam Jo

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  • 6 years later...

Hi issamjo,


Can you please share with us how you implemented that

I implement my own code to generate the saml assertion but I don't found a way on how we can pass it to the header of the SOAP request Reply activity.


can you please help on that or giving us an example.


Regards & thanks


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