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Does anyone know how to get rid of errors in Administrator...

Lukasz Strzeszynski

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hi All

Does anyone know how to get rid of errors in Administrator caused by BC 6.1 default configurationWe do not use mysql, but Oracle. I guess the default configuration shall be adjusted somehow.

com.tibco.pof.administrator.model.impl.AdministratorPlugInFileClassLoader@341f91d8[2013-11-25 13:47:48,942 (INFO )] Configuration Repository: connection properties:[2013-11-25 13:47:48,944 (INFO )] bc.repo.db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bc[2013-11-25 13:47:48,944 (INFO )] bc.repo.db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver[2013-11-25 13:47:48,944 (INFO )] bc.repo.db.user=bc[2013-11-25 13:47:48,944 (INFO )] bc.repo.db.password=****

com.tibco.ax.fw.cfg.factory.RepositoryException: Error loading database driver (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver).: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Thanks in advanceBest Regards

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