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I have a group of schemas that are shared between several projects.

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hi all,



I have a group of schemas that are shared between several projects. So, I created a shared module to hold those schemas and then I would include that shared project in the package unit.

In one project I have a wsdl that refers several of those schemas. And inside the wsdl, the schemas are imported this way:


(...)http://www.something.com/webshop/getProductDetailsReq" schemaLocation="../../WebShopSharedData/Schemas/frontend_xsd/getProductDetailsReq.xsd"> http://www.something.com/webshop/getProductDetailsRep" schemaLocation="../../WebShopSharedData/Schemas/frontend_xsd/getProductDetailsRep.xsd"> (...)

The shared project is named WebShopSharedData. So, it is refered by relative path using project name.

This wsdl validates successfully.


But, when I try to run it locally, I have the following error:

15:28:24.596 INFO [start Level Event Dispatcher] com.tibco.thor.frwk - TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.1.0, build V7, 2014-05-21

@BWEclipseAppNode> 15:28:29.548 INFO [Component Resolve Thread] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - Started by BusinessStudio.15:28:35.929 INFO [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 283)] com.tibco.bw.frwk.engine.BWEngine - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-300002: BW Engine [Main] started successfully.15:28:36.059 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300001: Started OSGi Framework of AppNode [bWEclipseAppNode] in AppSpace [bWEclipseAppSpace] of Domain [bWEclipseDomain]15:28:36.266 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300018: Deploying BW Application [WebShopAssign:1.0].15:28:36.422 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300021: All Application dependencies are resolved for Application [WebShopAssign:1.0]15:28:41.272 ERROR [Framework Event Dispatcher] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-600026: Failed to start BW Application [WebShopAssign:1.0]. Reason: TIBCO-BW-CORE-500102: Failed to install BW Module [WebShopAssign.module:1.0.2.qualifier], DeploymentUnit [WebShopAssign:1.0]. com.tibco.bx.core.faults.BxException: BX-600025: Create module failed for module [WebShopAssign.module] version [1.0.2.qualifier] application [WebShopAssign 1.0]. com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.BWCoreException: TIBCO-BW-CORE-000135: Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache from the WSDLCacheService for the WSDL namespace [http://www.something.com/webshop], locationURI [null] that is associated with the BW Module [WebShopAssign.module:1.0.2.qualifier], DeploymentUnit[WebShopAssign:1.0]. The operation "LocWsdlCacheService.getCache" returned exception [com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException] . com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException: com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException: No xsd for this imported location and tns: bundleentry://123.fwk285263844/../WebShopSharedData/Schemas/frontend_xsd/getProductDetailsRep.xsd; http://www.something.com/webshop/getProductDetailsRep. com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException: No xsd for this imported location and tns: bundleentry://123.fwk285263844/../WebShopSharedData/Schemas/frontend_xsd/getProductDetailsRep.xsd; http://www.something.com/webshop/getProductDetailsRep


So, my questions are: is this possible I'm doing something wrong How to work with shared modules, share process not schemas



Thanks in advance,

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Naga,

I appreciate the input, but I do--t really understand what you have in mind.

I have to check the targetnamespace

My confusion is the fact that if I have the schemas and the wsdl inside the same project it works, in different project it does--t work.

Other thing that confuses me is the fact that the wsdl and the projects are validated successfully and I only see this error when I run it.

Thanks in advance,

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I have same issue, I have an shared module (Meluzin.Generator.Base) with xsd inside (Schemas/generator.base.xsd) and I need to import this xsd in other module. How to do it

Currently I do it like the IDE suggest:

But the location (../../Meluzin.Generator.Base/Schemas/generator.base.xsd) is obviously wrong. In design time it is ok, no validation error, but in runtime it fails after start.

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Meluzin.Generator.Base/Schemas/generator.base.xsd

at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.bundleentry.Handler.findBundleEntry(Handler.java:44)

at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleResourceHandler.openConnection(BundleResourceHandler.java:175)

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No that is not the case.. My schema is in shared module..I have created a subprocess which uses those schemas...So all of them are in shared module...in my main project, I create a reference for the subprocess as I want to reuse the subprocess across various projects..

This is quite common functionality that most complex project generally need. You create a shared subprocess e.g. to deal with logging/error handling etc and then reuse it across various projects...Btw, we are using 6.2 if that makes any difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

This is BW6's way of telling you that you have a namespace conflict, except that it can't identify the source. You have 2 different schemas sharing a namespace, but one of them is already part of your BW process.

Go through all the schemas (.xsd files) in your module/project. Look for one that referes to it's own version of namespace 'http://www.something.com/webshop/getProductDetailsRep.', but does not point to the shared library schema. Keep an eye particularly of invoker activities such as 'http Send' and 'jms request'.

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