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I am facing one problem while creating jms connection .

Devki Nandan Singh

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Hi Everyone,

I am facing one problem while creating jms connection .I am using JNDI connection factory and I am getting following result:-


Queue connection factory 'QueueConnectionFactory' Connection failed - naming exception.Connection failed.



Topic connection factory 'TopicConnectionFactory' Connection failed - naming exception.Connection failed.


Could you guys suggest me some solution on the same.

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  • 3 months later...

Which Version of BW and EMS using.. Please do bellow needfull if your BW version is 5.12 or bellow and EMS 6.0 or bellow.

1.create two connection factory both for queue and topic. same mentioned in advanced tab of your jmsconnection activity and test .

Alternate way : copy the factories.conf file from "C:tibcoems\samplesconfig" and paste in C:tibcoems\ folder , then restart Ems Server.

For More Details follow the post

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can you check in EMS admin tool with the command "show factories" and check the factories exist or not.. If still not work please do bellow :

You need to map the c:/tibco/ems/7.x/lib path in the designer and after you relaunch and test connection.In our project we are using EMS 6.0 but not sure the comaptability of EMS 7.0 with BW5.8. please refer the link in my previous post , There was a discussion on the same issue.

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DN Singh open factory.conf file and also open the advance of jms connection and then match the factory name present in the jms connection to the factory name present in the factory.conf file. You can even try this just copy the factory name from jms connection advance tab and do ctrl+f in the factoty.conf to check whether the factories are existing or not. If existing then test connection will work.
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  • 3 months later...

Hello i think you must upgrade your ems

1- Add TIBCO_HOME in your Windows enveronement path (Add Variable TIBCO_HOME & Value C:ProgramDataTIBCO_HOME)

2- Upgrade the Tibco EMS (go to the CMD tape cd c:TIBCOTRA5.9bin)

3- in bin folder tape (traUpgradeManager.exe -path c:tibco -ems c:tibcoems8.1)

4- go to your windows services and Start the TIBCO EMS Server (PID: xxxxx)

5- Restart your TIBCO Designer and redo a test

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Description :

TheError we face mostly in BW 5.x versions where EMS is not configured with Designer and we are not able to Test EMS Connection.

Solution :

Copy paste all the jars from "TIBCOHomeems\lib*.jar" to "TIBCOHometpcl\lib"

Now if you try to test connection from Designer you will get the errors -


Queue connection factory 'QueueConnectionFactory' Connection failed - naming exception.

Connection failed.



Topic connection factory 'TopicConnectionFactory' Connection failed - naming exception.

Connection failed.


To remove this error you can then try to check if the mentioned factories are present or not. Do the following:


Run TIBEMSAdmin : TIBCOHomeems\bintibemsadmin.exe and type the following command - "show factories"

If output is No Factories then run the below two commands -


create factory URL=tcp://. In this case it will be -


create factory QueueConnectionFactory queueURL=tcp://7222

create factory TopicConnectionFactory topic URL=tcp://7222



Now restart the designer and try to run. You should be able to establish the connection.

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