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wsdl passed all validations with no errors, but only failed to be deployed into local runtime.

laiba2008 laiba2008

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Hi guys,


I created a WSDL in BW 6.2.1, it has imported xsd. wsdl passed all validations with no errors, but only failed to be deployed into local runtime.


below is the error:


com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.schemaresolver.WsdlResolveException: TIBCO-BW-SCHEMA-RESOLVER-500204: Failed to resolve WSDL [namespace=http://www.tibco.com/test/, location=null], due to exception [com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException].


com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException: .


com.tibco.bw.cache.runtime.CacheException: TIBCO-BW-WSDL-CACHE-500008: [bundleentry://55.fwk792834113/Schemas/test_v1.wsdl]: no xsd for this imported location [bundleentry://55.fwk792834113/Schemas/CDM/Common/Common_v1.xsd] with targetnamespace [http://www.tibco.com/test/cdm/v1]


Does anyone know why xsd cannot be resolved in wsdl (wsdl validated successfully)


Thanks very much for any help.

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This is BW6's way of telling you that you have a namespace conflict, except that it can't identify the source.

You probably have 2 different schemas sharing a namespace, but one of them is hidden in your BW process, probably coz it isn't imported by any WSDL

Go through all the schemas (.xsd files) in your module/project. Look for one that referes to it's own version of the conflicted namespace '[http://www.tibco.com/test/cdm/v1]', but does not point to the schema you expect it to.

Keep an eye out particularly for schemas used byinvoker activities such as 'http Send' and 'jms request'.

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