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Retrieve WSDL for Service Palette

Prabal Rakshit 2

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Hi Friends,

I have a Web Service created in BW using the service palette. The consumers of this sevice would be mostly .NET clients. I was looking at a way we can expose the URL to retrieve the WSDL. I do not want to copy the WSDL and expose it as a text file.

In case of a SOAP Event Source, the Retrieve Resources palette can return the complete WSDL through a URL like:

http://localhost:1111/SOAPServer/rootfolder/dummySe rvicewsdl

But this does not work for a Service palette and I get an HTTP Server error. The service palette endpoint is exposed as:

http://localhost:1111/SOAPServer/Service_SOAPServer .serviceagent/UsageHistoryEndpoint1

Could you please suggest a way to expose the WSDL in a similar fashion I would be a little surprised if the Service Palette does not alow this.

Thanks for your help,


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Hello ,


You can retrieve WSDL file as specified in Service .


Following are the steps:


1. You must create process definition with HTTP Receiver Retrieve Resource activity to generate WSDL file for incoming request.


2. The URL to be exposed : http:<<host>>:<<port>>:<<service URI>>wsdl.

where <<service URI>> is dispalyed in WSDL tab of Service resource.


for eg. Service resource name is TempService & is stored in folder Try

then <<Service URI>> will be /Try/TempService.serviceagent.

Please ensure that Service resource lies in some folder.


If you need example of the same, please let me know.

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