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While testing the jms conection in tibco business connect...

Kailash Chanda 4

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While testing the jms conection in tibco business connect admin for private processes configuration getting an error as below

Error in creating JNDI environment: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory


added the EMS library path in domain.tra file but still facing the same issue.

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  • 1 year later...

We have to install BW-EMS plugin.

Run the below command.

C:XXXbw6.3bin>bwinstall ems-driver

>Specify the ems plugin location when prompted as below: ems-home-location: Please enter full path to the EMS Home components plugin folder including the components folder (typically EMS_HOME/components/shared/1.0.0/plugins) :


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  • 1 year later...

This is the solution that worked for me after hours of trying various things:


There are three JAR files you need to move. The files are:






Copy them from C:\ems\lib

...and paste them into C:\bw\lib


Be sure to then quit out of TIBCO Designer all the way and then reboot it (don't just exit your project-- make sure the entire application shuts down and then relaunches).

Additionally, make sure "TIBCO EMS Server" is running. You can check this in the Windows application called Services.

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  • 9 months later...

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